Friday, 19 December 2014

The Enlightened Don

This virtuous don is the heart of club, modaern
Yet, the school don't think him as burden
His military style marching toward the grill of school
Reminds everyone about the awarded film, "Yagool"

The awe-inspiring and dangerous role is of Don Mont
Whose famous short circuiting and blood clotting
dialogue are "Understand or Not" & "Sleeping Or What"
His stunt bike of  80's merely has any brake
But, runs as if it has to crash a ferret

He is a true admirer of carefree life
Although, he attends the school late
Sleeping is considered to be his peaceful time
Therefore, none dares to commit that crime

Happiest among the teacher, when holidays are declared
Enjoyment,merrymaking, feast and picnic are what he always planned
Hungry rats and cats always rain in him
To satisfy is need he eats his tiffin (Big Share)

Problems always chase him at his back
And he stands like mountain to check
Injustice against someone is always criticised
Yet, no threats are tantalised

Paragon of coin is represented by him
So, his teaching varies from time to time
Thoughts of living makes his mind unstable
Salary on his hand makes him tremble

Worn out, tired and neolithic book reveals his experience
Which spreads the knowledge's fragnanace
Attending his class is very interesting
Because he does not bothers what others are doing

He is a creator of history in the school
By thrashing mercilessly all naughty fools
Heads and table knows the actual pain
When Sir's patience goes out of train

Though he seems to be stern externally
But he is generous at heart internally
he reveals everything what he knows,
May he be an absolute Exam foes

P.S- Pen down on 29th Dec, 2008 


  1. You have scribbled your thoughts and feelings into an excellent piece of art. Carry on my friend.

  2. Nice thoughts that u have expressed in words.

  3. Thank You for the appreciation & motivation. I will definitely try to contribute to my wall in certain intervals. Besides that I m very sorry for rplying after this long gap. Thanking you again.
