Friday 25 July 2014

A Farewell ,Then Forever

Not a fond wish, but still we sever
A farewell ; and then forever
Deep in hurt wrung tears, I'll pledge thee
Warning sighs and groan, I'll wage thee
Who shall say that fortune grieves her
With a star of hope, he leaves her
Me, happy as ever, cheerful smile lights me
Dark despair around be rights me
For the Angel of Hopelessness, spread her wings at last
And breathed in my face as she passed

And my eyes went rainy,deadly and chill
And my heart, but once throbed ,and forever grew still
Yeh ah ! who would know my fate?
Since happiness never comes too late
And sorrow too swiftly flies
Thoughts would destroy their paradise
No more; where ignorance is bliss
its folly to be wise

When the waves are around me breaking
As I pass the deck all alone
And my eye in rain is seeking
His face to rest upon
What would not I give to wander
Where my old companions dwell ?
But still I hold it, I hold it true whatever befall
I feel it, when i sorrow most
its better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all
Than never to have loved at all

Then say a lost love, is mortal yet
Ay  I be so but not my love
Mine will continue forever without regret
Yet my heart says my heart shall get the dove
This day or other we shall unite
The site the sight, my sight awaits that delightful sight